Useful information

About Poznań and Poland

Weather in November

Dealy mean temperature is around 5C/40F, with an average low temperature equal to 2C/35F and high to 7C/45F. Average number of precipitation days is 14.

Reaching Poland by telephone

Country code: 00 48 (+48)

Poznań area code: 00 48 61 (+48 61)


Electricity in Poland is 230V, 50Hz AC. Plug sockets are round with two round-pin sockets.

ATMs and payment cards

Major payment cards are accepted in most hotels, restaurants, and shops. It is common to use contactless payment cards. ATMs are available at Poznań Airport, in multiple hotels, all banks, and also at the Congress venue.


Smoking is banned in government offices, schools, museums, theatres, airports, railway and bus stations and in public transport, stadiums, hospitals and playgrounds. It is also banned in one-room restaurants and bars. Failure to comply may result in fine.

Smoking is allowed in restaurants, pubs and cafes with specially designated smoking rooms.